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How Women Are Changing FinTech

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAqfAAAAJDVlMzJkOTQxLTVkOGQtNGU2My1hMTA1LTcyMzkzZDkyNDRjMgIt’s been said that finance is a boy’s club and FinTech is (sadly) no exception. Yet despite the overwhelming presence of testosterone, women have slowly been working their way into the clubhouse and fighting to be seen as equal members. These businesswomen are proving to be true entrepreneurs and worthy of a featured spot in the market. Better yet, their startups are aiming to target the needs of the underserved female financial market. After all, there are many differences between the earning power of the two genders (pay gap, life expectancy, etc.) and one basic financial system won’t best meet their unique needs.

Ellevest, for example, is addressing the lack of female representation in finance by offering women access to digital advisors that are specifically designed to meet their financial needs and habits–i.e. “redesigning investing for women.” Offering customized portfolios to meet the many various financial realities of modern women and a goal-based investing system that lets women women pay attention to their own needs and goals (instead of what’s going on the market), Ellevest helps women feel comfortable dealing with their finances.

If you are aiming to follow in her footsteps (or in the footsteps of Jennifer Fitzgerald, CEO of PolicyGenius, or any of the other women who have shattered glass ceilings) but are feeling slightly hesitant about your funding ability, there are collectives that can help. Global Invest Her, for example, is seeking to make a real change in the economy by funding women entrepreneurs. And of course we at Leadervest can help grow your company through sales and marketing consulting and connect startups with interested financial backers.

The global financial revolution is fantastic for many reasons, and one of them is the opportunity it brings to remodel the system to meet more people’s needs. If the right people join the evolution, we can create and perfect a financial system that can help everyone instead of a banking system designed to privilege the 1%.